Low Carbon

£5000 Available Through The Local Carbon Skills Fund

Low Carbon Skills Fund

The Low Carbon Skills Fund (LCSF) gives Scottish businesses with under 100 employees the opportunity to apply for up to £5000 towards employee training costs in areas such as renewable energy and low-carbon technologies, energy efficiency, waste management and re-use, and reducing carbon in supply and energy management.

We will refund up to 60% of employee training costs, up to a maximum of £1000 per employee.

1. Benefits of Low Carbon Skills Funding

Monday 30 November 2015

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Shell Springboard grant of £150,000 up for grabs

Shell Springboard is now open for applications from the UK’s most innovative low-carbon entrepreneurs.

Shell is calling on entrepreneurs with bright ideas for reducing carbon emissions to enter the Shell Springboard programme for a chance to receive a no strings attached grant to help scale-up their businesses.

The national Shell Springboard winner will collect a total grant of £150,000. Further five finalists will each receive £40,000 to help take their businesses to the next stage.

Thursday 22 October 2015

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Energy Saving Opportunities Scheme

Energy Saving Opportunities Scheme

The Energy Saving Opportunities Scheme (ESOS) is a mandatory energy assessment scheme for organisations in the United Kingdom that meet the qualification criteria.

It mainly affects businesses but can also apply to not-for-profit bodies and any other non-public sector undertakings that are large enough to meet the qualification criteria.

These are businesses that:

Monday 3 August 2015

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Applications Open for the 2015 VIBES Awards

Have you improved your environmental performance? Enhanced the competitiveness of your business or supported the wider goals of sustainable developments? 

If so, then enter for a VIBES Award - it's free and simple!

VIBES (Vision in Business for the Environment of Scotland) Awards 2015 opened for applications on 7 May and close on 13 July and businesses in Scotland of all sectors are eligible to apply. 

Thursday 25 June 2015

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Resource Efficient Scotland Loan Scheme

The 2015/16 Resource Efficient Scotland Loan Scheme has opened for applications.  

Could your business take advantage of an unsecured, interest free loan from £1,000 to £100,000? 

Resource Efficient Scotland loans are funded by the Scottish Government to help businesses reduce costs through improved energy, material resource and/or water efficiency. 

Tuesday 2 June 2015

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