Exclusive Digital Excellence Scotland Event

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Did you know that potential clients make 80% of their decisions based on the impression they have of your website? Food for thought isn’t it? So…

• Are you happy with your website results?
• Are you losing potential business to your competitors?
• Would you like the opportunity to learn from the best in the digital marketing industry to put you ahead of the game?

We live in rapidly changing times. What we believed to be true yesterday, in terms of how our website interacts with our potential clients and customers may not apply tomorrow. This is why we can guarantee that your website is currently losing your company business. So, what can you do now to get ahead of the game and ahead of your competition?

Digital Excellence Scotland, in association with OnlineXcellence and Digital Advisor, is inviting you to attend an exclusive event on the 17th and 18th August at the Royal Highland Show, Edinburgh. 

To find out more and details on how to book, download the flyer here.