BRAG’s Greenpower Formula - Can You Support?

Monday 25 April 2016

BRAG’s Greenpower Formula 24 Project has been running at BRAG for the last 2 years and what started out as a small project run in the evenings has now escalated to us having three Racing Teams.  We have two F24 Teams (11-16yrs) and 1 F24+ Team (16-25yrs), we have 16 young people involved with the project.  The project introduces young people to aspects of Engineering, Science, Technology and Mechanics to name a few through the designing, building and racing of a full size single seater battery powered racing car.  We have raced across the UK and against teams from Northern Ireland, Poland, South Africa and the USA.  The teams have done extremely well and have achieved awards for the design of their car, the Siemens Digital Award and the IMechE Portfolio award which are all huge achievements for the young people involved. 

This season we have been invited to race in the Greenpower F24 American Series in Huntsville, Alabama in November this year which is a huge opportunity for our teams and we will be the only team representing the UK.  We have been very lucky and through Greenpower USA we have been offered accommodation at NASA’s Space and Rocket Centre in Alabama and the teams will also get the opportunity to attend the new Technology and Engineering schools while we are there which means they will continue to learn as well as being in the USA to race.

Part of our project is also based around employability and the teams have also started new qualification’s this year, AQA and Industrial Cadets which means they are being rewarded with recognised qualification’s for their achievements.  In the past we have had employability input from Shell, Selex UK and more recently Score Europe Ltd and FiFab.  We are always looking for new opportunities and if anyone within your company would be willing to give some time to come and speak to the teams about what your business has achieved, employment opportunities in the future, apprenticeship schemes, work place visits or even support for our project we would welcome you to come and meet with our teams.

To support this project, please contact Kirsten Spence, Youth & Community Development Manager, BRAG Enterprises Ltd - 01592 860296 or email