I received a grant through the Business Hardship Fund as my business was impacted by the brake restriction in October. Do I need to apply again to the Strategic Framework Business Fund or will I automatically receive another payment? You will need to apply again. The Business Hardship Fund covering the October brake restrictions closed to applications on 3rd November. The Strategic Framework Business Fund is a separate fund and opened to applications on 13th November. You will need to apply to the Strategic Framework Business Fund here.  You only need to apply to the Strategic Framework Business Fund once and can include all of your premises in a single application. If your application is approved, you will then receive automatic payments for each 4-weekly period in which your business is required to close or restrict its operations by law until 31st March 2020. Which local authority should I apply to? From 1 January 2021 there will no longer be an upper limit on future payments for any eligible business operating multiple premises.  Businesses already in receipt of payments need not reapply.  Business applying for the first time on or after 1 January should submit individual applications to each relevant local authority for all relevant premises in that area. How do I know if my business is eligible for a grant and whether this will be a closure or restrictions grant? The full criteria for the fund along with a detailed list of the eligible business types at each restriction level can be viewed here.   If I don’t apply for the fund during the initial four-week qualifying period, will my payment be backdated? Yes. As long as you apply before the fund closes (date TBC but will be no later than 31st March 2021) and meet the eligibility criteria, your payment will be backdated to 2nd November 2020 when the Strategic Framework restrictions came into effect. < RETURN TO THE MAIN PAGE FOR STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK BUSINESS FUND