VYV Fragrance is Smelling Sweet Success

Thursday 30 June 2022

WHEN two sisters lost their careers during the pandemic lockdown, they saw an opportunity for a fresh start to create their own natural perfume business.  Vivienne Calgaro and Yvonne Russell both had almost thirty years professional experience each, as a holistic aromatherapist and a reflexologist. Despite living hundreds of miles apart, the sisters share similar memories and the same passion for creating perfume and together they worked to develop and fine-tune their perfume blends inspired by their individual and mutual memories and experiences.  They approached Business Gateway Fife and received support and market guidance from adviser, Shona Morrison. Shona said: “With all the years of experience in their respective fields, the ladies have shown that it is never too late to follow your dreams and create the business you have always wanted. Their website has been updated, with five-star reviews and they are looking at collaboration with beauty and fashion industry experts.” Vivienne commented: “These perfumes are derived from nature, stimulated by experience, professional knowledge and training and created from the heart. Without gender bias we design our blends for everyone. We have used the opportunity of losing our jobs to create our natural perfume business. With our combined empirical knowledge, we felt a newfound bravery, despite living hundreds of miles apart. We identified our individual and mutual skills and have created a product we are proud of. “We formed the acronym VYV from both our names: Viv and Yve and as point of interest vif in French means lively, radiant, dynamic with vive meaning ‘long live’. Our ethos at VYV is to maintain as clean a profile as possible, sourcing suppliers who also have ethical and environmental appreciation and responsibility. We also appreciate the help and assistance we have received from Business Gateway Fife, giving us confidence to move forward and grow the business in Fife.”Whether thinking of starting a business or looking to grow or sustain an existing business, contact Business Gateway Fife on 01592 858333 for a variety of advice and support or visit www.businessgatewayfife.com