Mint Ventures

Mint Ventures Invitation Roadshows for Women 2023

Wednesday 25 January 2023

Mint Ventures is a Scottish-based women-led angel investment group on a mission to make angel investing more accessible to women by educating both women and men from all business backgrounds how they can support more women to get involved.

Angel investing is an important element of the funding ecosystem to support early-stage companies to grow and is particularly important during a recession. Despite women holding 40% of the Scotland’s wealth, only 12% of business angels in Scotland are women.

It is, however, a myth that you need to be rich to angel invest and you can invest with as little as £2,000 with specific tax schemes giving 30 – 50% relief set by the govt to encourage more angels.

Following on from the UK Business Angel Association (UKBAA) and RBS Rose Review, Women Backing Women campaign Mint Ventures is partnering with RBS / Coutts and Co, Azets, supported by local partners in each location and funded by Scottish Enterprise to run a series of regional in-person ‘Making Angel Investing More Accessible to Women’ events across Scotland in February and March 2023. 

These events will raise awareness of angel investment in particular the challenges for women business founders and to encourage more women to consider angel investing. Open to both men and women who are professionally involved in supporting SME’s including, lawyers, accountants, business advisers, wealth managers, IFA’s as well as women from any business background that might be considering growing their own company or becoming an angel investor. Mint Ventures will provide real insights into angel investing in gender specific language, highlight the challenges that we can collectively support and provide a safe-space environment for all to learn, ask questions and be inspired.

You can register for events in your area. 


Event Format
45-minute presentation followed by networking. 

If you require further information or have any questions please contact The Mint Ventures Events Team either by email or call them on 0131 510 7145.