Brian McCormack speaks to Fife College Business Students

McCormack Innovation wins ‘Fine to Flush’ Certification

Thursday 16 January 2020

McCormack Innovation is the first business in Scotland to win ‘Fine to Flush’ certification for its wet wipes. Business Gateway Fife client, McCormack Innovation has made a major advancement in the fight against fatbergs, having won a ‘Fine to Flush’ certification for its soluble wet wipes. ‘Fine to Flush’ certification is internationally recognised under ISO standard. McCormack Innovation’s wet wipes dissolve in seconds and it is expected, as news breaks of this accreditation, that demand for this FlushAway™ product will gain traction. Currently, one of the oldest healthcare companies in the UK is undertaking client trials of McCormack Innovation’s wet wipes, now they have passed independent biomedical testing. FlushAway™ is the brand of soluble products created by Kirkcaldy-based inventor, Brian McCormack. He said: “This is a massive step forward for our wet wipes, which will now carry the ‘Fine to Flush’ standard. To be one of only two brands in the world to have this recognition, gives us a platform from which to start manufacturing on a larger scale, and bring our products to market, by securing prospective buyers, many of whom are extremely excited by this accreditation.” Despite the potential of McCormack Innovation’s impending success, Brian McCormack has found time to speak to local Fife College students about the innovation and development of a new product and how to take it to market. He also challenged the business students to see what products they could make with soluble products. If, like Brian McCormack, you are looking to turn a bright idea into a new product or service, why not get in touch with Business Gateway Fife and ask to speak to a specialist at one of our  Bright Ideas Scotland Surgeries where you will be offered advice on patents, trademarks, prototypes and taking your product to market. You can find out more about our surgeries here or you can contact us on 01592 858333 Bright Ideas Surgery Link