Launch of New Fife Loves Local Gift Card

Launch of New Fife Loves Local Gift Card

Tuesday 7 September 2021

Businesses of every kind across Fife are being urged to sign up to a new Fife Loves Local Gift Card to help people keep spending local.

To encourage people across the region to back local businesses, Fife is soon to have its own local gift card.

Fife Council is supporting the rollout of the new Scotland Loves Local Gift Card- helping power the region’s economic fightback from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Cllr. Altany Craik, Convener - Economy, Tourism. Strategic Planning & Transportation, Fife Council, said: “Fife Council is pleased to support the Scotland Loves Local Gift Card. The Gift Card has the potential to drive significant spending across the region - helping secure jobs and build a more sustainable, vibrant future for communities and people.

“We encourage all businesses and merchants to sign up to receive payments via the Fife Loves Local Gift Card - this is the perfect way for people to show their support for all that their local businesses have done for them since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.”

The Fife Gift Card is one of 32 Gift Cards, unique to each region of Scotland, and can only be spent in businesses located in the region.

Sew Yarn Crafty, a haberdashery shop located in the heart of Dunfermline High Street, is one of the first business in Fife to join the scheme, which is free for businesses. As well as selling a beautiful range of fabrics in store and online the business owners also run studio classes at the Sew Studio, which they plan to resume.

Aileen Wright, Co-owner of Sew Yarn Crafty, Dunfermline, said: "I feel that the public had their eyes opened as to how important it is to support their local economy during the pandemic.  I'm right behind anything that harnesses that enthusiasm and encourages folk to get into their town, high street and independent businesses to see all that we have to offer."

Cllr. Helen Law, Convener, City of Dunfermline Area Committee, said: "We are pleased to support this initiative as part of the post-pandemic recovery process and boost the confidence for businesses in Dunfermline and west Fife. I would call on more businesses to register to accept this gift card, which is designed to encourage the people of Fife to support their local businesses in these tough times."

The significant show of support for local businesses across Fife is being delivered by Scotland’s Towns Partnership (STP) - the organisation spearheading the Scotland Loves Local Campaign.

For more information about the Scotland Loves Local Gift Card - including how to sign up - go to

The Gift Card scheme is a partnership with Perth-based fintech specialist Miconex.

STP and Miconex are working with Fife Council to launch the regional gift card, with the first year of costs being met by the Scottish Government as part of its £10 million of support for Scotland Loves Local. There are no registration costs for businesses. Payments are processed as part of the Mastercard network.

The call to businesses to sign up is backed by Scotland’s Minister for Community Wealth, Tom Arthur MSP: “We are delighted to be backing this innovative scheme as part of our pledge to support local businesses and communities. The Gift Card is an efficient way to encourage spend and drive sales growth in our local economies.

“In the coming months we will further bolster the Scotland Loves Local (SLL) campaign with the second tranche of our SLL Fund, helping communities revitalise their own towns or neighbourhoods, building wealth and delivering greater, greener and fairer prosperity.”

STP Chief Officer Phil Prentice said: “We can’t wait to see people using their region’s gift card, whether that be while out shopping, meeting friends for a coffee or meal - or making a day of it and doing it all. This is an ideal way of supporting the brilliant businesses in our communities.

“These gift cards will be a remarkably powerful way of unlocking spending potential - and keeping that money in local communities for longer. The more businesses that sign up, the better the local experience will be. We have had tremendous interest and support so far.

“Local businesses need our support - our communities need our support. Businesses can help people to be there for them by becoming part of Scotland Loves Local family.”

Supported by the Scottish Government and others, Scotland Loves Local is the campaign urging people to think local first by spending in businesses and attractions around them - evoking the strong community spirit witnessed at the peak of the coronavirus crisis.

With the platform for local consumers to purchase the regional gift cards launching later this year, employers are also being urged to support other companies in their area by using the gift cards as part of their corporate rewards programme.

Card operator Miconex already supports more than 60 gift card programmes across the UK, Ireland and North America.

Miconex Managing, Director Colin Munro, said: “We hope to see businesses across Fife register to realise the scheme’s full potential - and so everyone can benefit. Research by The Gift Card and Voucher Association suggests that local gift card schemes have a huge multiplier effect, with up to an additional 65% of the card’s value being spent as people visit other shops, hospitality venues or leisure attractions.”