GoodsForGood – to your door

Thursday 12 May 2022

GoodsForGood – the new retail outlet being run by the Adam Smith Global Foundation – is winning customers “far and wide” after just a month of trading.

The charity-supporting initiative – with a shop in Kirkcaldy’s Merchants’ Quarter – is selling end-of-season lines, bankrupt stock as well as items that may have been returns from a huge range of different manufacturers.

Bill Harvey, who is overseeing the project for the Foundation, welcomes the early results, saying: “Retail is very challenging – and we are finding our feet in what is a very competitive world … but we are making headway.” Bill adds: “Our shop on Kirkcaldy’s high street has a small but growing clientele who are getting to know our eclectic offering.”

Bill describes that offering, saying: ”One day, you might find leading brands of perfumes, sports gear and leisure wear. When that’s sold, we may have top of the range household and homeware products or travel accessories. It is an Aladdin’s cave – incredible offers, forever changing.”

The Goods4Good “bricks and mortar shop” is attracting customers from across Fife. Now they are launching Phase 2, enabling the shipping of products.

Bill explains: “At the start, we operated ‘click and collect’ only as we wanted to soft launch, stress-testing our systems and operations.” He adds: “We are now a few weeks in and – as planned – are moving online to enable customers from further afield to buy.”

The GoodsForGood Shopify store has had close to 2,000 visits to date - the majority viewing products and, when purchased, collecting in store. Most are from across the UK, although it is attracting visits from potential customers in the States and Ireland. The spread of interest – supported by the project’s growing audience on social media – has led to the second phase with products now available to purchase for shipment … to any address.

Bill says: “The bulk of our online traffic is coming from our social media activity – Facebook and Instagram driving 76% of our traffic. We will be building on this as we grow. We already have hundreds of Followers, and they are acting as early adopters – helping to spread the word on GoodsForGood to their friends, family and colleagues at home and abroad.”

All the products sold through the shop in Kirckaldy and online are at least 50% of their original retail price. The project has sustainability at its heart – helping to reduce waste whilst benefitting the community with support for Fife charities.

You can visit the store in Kirkcaldy at 287/289 High Street. Online, their Shopify store can be found at If you’d like to follow them on social media, just search GoodsForGood and you’ll discover them on Facebook & Instagram where they post and share new products on a very regular basis.