Fife Business Week 2020

Fife Business Week - Free Access Online!

Monday 28 September 2020

FIFE Business Week 2020 is set to be the biggest yet, with around 30 events running throughout the week from 2nd to 6th November 2020. With businesses facing challenging times as they find their feet in the new normal, Fife Business Week brings a week of online events to assist businesses with their sustainability and resilience. These digital events are essential preparation for rebuilding, starting or growing a business in the future in the post Covid-19 era.  From Monday, the University of Dundee along with To Be The One Coaching, invite business owners to learn how to become resilient and successful leaders and to reimagine their business.  Other events like Digital Manufacturing on a Shoestring (Introduction), delivered by Scottish Manufacturing Advisory Service (SMAS) will show how implementation can bring benefits in efficiencies and to the bottom line. And with all events taking place online and free, it has never been easier to take part in Fife Business Week as public and private sector support agencies, business experts and entrepreneurs share their knowledge and experience Michael Longstaffe, Chair of Fife Economy Partnership commented:“As we move our week of business events entirely online, people will have greater opportunities to participate in far more webinars and workshops, without the need to travel to venues or plan around other external factors.  From the comfort of home or a safe working environment, people can dip in and out on key topics they feel would benefit their business, or future decisions.  There will be a host of inspiring events to choose from and interactive sessions, giving individuals opportunities to network with likeminded people and the potential to make positive new contacts.” The full calendar of events to mark the eleventh Fife Business Week is now available to view at Hosted by Fife Council’s Economic Development Team and Business Gateway team, Fife Business Week is designed to support businesses to succeed and flourish whilst making Fife the best place to do business. For more information on Fife Business Week please email or visit