Discover Whether You Are Eligible for R&D Tax credits

Friday 26 July 2013

R&D tax credits were introduced by the UK government in 2000 to encourage exciting new products and services.

The aim was to help reduce some of the financial risk for technology companies and find new and innovative techniques to make the UK more competitive internationally.

Unfortunately too many businesses are either unaware of the scheme or unsure whether they are eligible according to the HMRC’s official eligibility criteria.

Fortunately, Jumpstart, the UK’s leading specialist in R&D tax credits, has developed 3 simple YES or NO questions to gauge whether your company would benefit from investigating the matter further.

Approach to technology I would say that my company attempts to develop new technology, as opposed to just using it. Some of our attempts to do so have failed for technical reasons, as what we were trying was surprisingly difficult to achieve. YES or NO?

Approach to improvement I would say that my company tries to make measurable, objective and significant improvements to the design and implementation of its products. YES or NO?

Approach to problem solving When faced with a challenging technical problem, my company uses internal, qualified and experienced staff to design the solution, using sub-contractors to perform easily defined and non-challenging tasks. YES or NO?

If you have answered YES to all three, then you must attend our FREE Breakfast Event on 28th August 2013 at the Carnegie Conference Centre which will explain the scheme in more detail.  You can also hear from companies which have benefited from the scheme and learn through their experience.

To visit the website, please click here