The Countdown is on for Fife Business Week 2018

Monday 29 October 2018

FIFE Business Week is on the countdown with only days to go before Fife’s main business event kicks off. Running from 5th to 9th November, the week is packed full of events aimed at inspiring and transforming Fife’s business community.  There are events to suit all business large and small, across a variety of sectors. On Tuesday 6 November, Developing the Young Workforce is hosting a business breakfast at the Dean Park in Kirkcaldy. This will be an informative interactive session for the engineering and manufacturing sector, focusing on the importance of developing a young workforce and addressing gender issues in Science, Technology, Engineering and Manufacturing (STEM) careers.  Delegates can learn how to develop a strategy that meets the needs of the sectors. Scottish Enterprise is running an event at the Enterprise Hub Fife in Glenrothes on Monday 5 November to showcase how the Business Mentoring service provides access to over 1000 mentors across Scotland.  By sharing their entrepreneurial experience and knowledge, mentors give businesses the confidence and know-how to develop and grow. For the first time in Fife Business Week, The University of Dundee (UoD) is hosting an event at its campus in Forth Avenue, Kirkcaldy on Wednesday 7 November.  This will be valuable to employers and will feature Graduate Apprenticeships, Industry Engagement, Centre of Entrepreneurship and International Links.  Industry can learn about the world-class research and wide range of specialist facilities that can be accessed through the Industry Partnering Showcase. Fife’s main business week offers a broad range of seminars and workshops, covering important issues for the local economy and is once again set to be a major highlight of the Kingdom’s business calendar.  Other workshops range from harnessing energy, e-learning success and making tax digital. The week of action will focus on key issues that are impacting Fife entrepreneurs, business start-ups and employers with fresh insights into workforce development, advanced manufacturing, finance and strategy and digital connectivity. Councillor Altany Craik, Fife Council’s Convenor for Economy, Tourism, Strategic Planning & Transportation Committee said: “We are now in the ninth year of Fife Business Week and this year aims to be more diverse and inclusive than any to date.  Not only is it a great opportunity to showcase and promote local business and their success, there are such good industry and education partnerships involved that can inspire businesses to participate and to transform their processes.   “Businesses across all sectors can benefit from participation in Fife Business Week, to come along and hear from industry experts whilst making new contacts and exchanging ideas.  We look forward to welcoming all businesses.” Hosted by Fife Council’s Economic Development Team and supported by Business Gateway Fife under the Fife Economy Partnership, Fife Business Week is designed to support businesses to succeed and flourish whilst making Fife the best place to do business. The full calendar of events for the ninth Fife Business Week is available at For more information on Fife Business Week please email