Tuesday 1 October 2019

McCormack Innovation has been utilising the expertise of Interface, which connects businesses to academics, to test the biomaterials for use in its soluble wound dressing. Having been referred to Interface by Business Gateway Fife, McCormack Innovation’s soluble wound dressings, which can be used for burns units and patients with other ultrasensitive skin conditions, was matched with Professor Robert Keatch and Dr Jan Vorstius at the University of Dundee for dermatological testing and development. The report concluded that “all materials under test performed well, keeping their integrity and structure until exposed to water” and that this method “would certainly reduce trauma inflicted during bandage removal.” The technical results should help inform the further optimisation of the material for use in a number of medical applications, and when ready for production, these innovative products will transform the market and bring about significant clinical improvements and patient relief at the point of care.  This research project was funded by The Scottish Funding Council Innovation Voucher, brokered by InterfaceClick here to find out more about our innovation surgeries which are run by Interface