Low Carbon Skills Fund - Now Open

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Applications for Low Carbon Skills Funding for the financial year 2016/17 are now open.

The Low Carbon Skills Fund gives Scottish businesses with under 100 employees the opportunity to apply for up to £5000 towards employee training costs in areas such as renewable energy and low-carbon technologies, energy efficiency, waste management and reuse, and reducing carbon in supply and energy management.

Up to 50% of employee training costs is refunded, up to a maximum of £1000 per employee.  It's an opportunity to further develop within your industry and help Scotland become more sustainable.

Eligible training includes:

•Renewable energy, low carbon technologies and microgeneration
•Energy efficiency, environmental and clean technologies
•Waste management and re-use
•Reducing carbon in supply and energy management.

To find out more information, please visit the Our Skillsforce website or call 0800 783 6000.